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Harsh Mirani

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About me

About me

Being born in an Indian family, Yoga was just a word that I was familiar with. It became a subject in 7th grade which made it daunting. As I grew older, I realized how the lack of physical activity caused my health to deteriorate and excess weight gain caused additional health issues.  I went to gyms, exercised at home, tried all different kinds of workouts and nutrition plans without much benefit. They all brought good health temporarily but I was never able to sustain these methods for a long period of time. Sometimes, it felt like a waste of time to exercise. Going through weight gain and health issues, I found Yoga through the asana practices.


Being motivated by people performing gravity defying postures, I started attempting them. I lost 20 kg but I quickly realized that I didn’t have the correct techniques to sustain the practice and might end up injuring myself. Therefore, I decided to join a Yoga school in Mumbai (my home town). I completed my first teacher training in 2017 at this 100 years old school which teaches a traditional but practical approach to Yoga. I realized the bliss through the practice of Yoga as a way of life. I felt that this knowledge must be shared with people in need. Therefore, I decided to start teaching and learning more myself. I completed my second teacher training in the beginning of 2020 gaining more expertise as a teacher.


Yoga helped me realize that aligning my body, breath, and mind fulfils me. Making Yoga a way of life is healthy, practical and helpful in all aspects. It becomes an expression through movement keeping you fit while providing you a mental balance to deal with any kind of lifestyle. I encourage you to take time for yourself through our classes and explore how Yoga can help you be healthy!



900h + 250h certified Yoga Teacher (500h+200h RYT)

Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Acro Yoga, and Aerial Yoga.

Certified Gong Player.

Yoga Teacher - Yoga Practitioner since 2017.

My Qualifications
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