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Yes, we can have it all! Actually we do have it all.

I admired the stars one night and expressed my admiration to a fellow Yogi. He said "But they are always there. Even if you don't see them."

That day I realized that there is always much more than we can see. The potential of everything you can not even imagine is always there. We give it power and manifest it by what we believe and do. Let's dive into quantum physics. Prana Yama in Yoga is the control of life force. The universe we exist in consists of vibration. If you put sand on a disc and play a sound, the grains of the sand will be formed into a mandala. Our bodies are similar. But there are different pitch's of vibrations in the universe. Some of them are similar to our vibrations. These are visible and perceivable to us. Some are faster and some are slower. They surround us,  but they are invisible for us. For example: We can hear a sound only in a certain range of vibration. If a sound is to high or to low we can not hear it. Same thing with light - we can see only in a certain vibration of light. A Yogi who has mastered to control his/her Prana (= life force) (which is vibration as well) can change his/her vibration to another pitch or speed. He/she can then see the subtle, the invisible, the imperceptible (to others). Like this the Yogi can attain knowledge of all there is to know. All there has ever been known and knowable. Once he/she has opened him/herself up to the subtle vibrations he/she can perceive beyond the gross and see through it all. By the way,  every thought is a vibration! That is why thoughts create reality. They empower the potential of what you think and it becomes more likely to actually manifest in this reality. So better think twice and be aware of your thoughts!

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